Sangha is Unconditional Belonging

Loneliness is epidemic in our time. A recent phenomenon of the information age, it's become easier than ever to insulate inside comfortable silos that leave us with a worried mind and deflated heart.

But it wasn't like this for most of human history. As tribal beings, our nature compels us to come together -- to join with our neighbors in celebration, in mourning, and perhaps most importantly, in mutual support. For if one member of the tribe is not at their best, it affects us all. And we're seeing this the world over.

Every human being is seeking something -- whether you call it the hero's journey, the fool's quest, or the spiritual path -- there is an innate drive in all of us for purpose, connection, fulfillment and transcendence. Yet, it truly takes a village to get there.

In the yogic tradition, it's recognized that those gifts don't come from individual effort alone, no matter how earnest. The amrit, or sweet nectar of divine blessings, comes as a gift, often when we least expect it (guruprasad). And the sangha, or company of other seekers, is what helps us stay steady on the path so we can receive all that's meant for us.


In the sangha, we are mirrors for each other. In the sangha, we learn the art of sacrificing our egos to help others grow, as well as the art of receiving gifts we may have never thought we deserved. It is the tribe in which we expand our capacity to receive the light of truth.

Every wisdom tradition around the world has some form of gathering in sangha for ceremony. A far cry from religious ritual or dogma, these sacred moments of togetherness are infused with intentionality of the spirit -- asking for guidance, giving thanks, and honoring the gift of being alive.

A special way the Sat Nam sangha comes together is in monthly ceremonies including the Full Moon and Cacao Song Circle. These reverent experiences invoke the unity of spirit residing in every being and open the heart to receive the amrit of inner wisdom and outer elevation. These containers of authentic support are essential soul nourishment in these times -- a balm for loneliness and a surprising cure for cold depression.

Experience the magic of unconditional belonging with Soul Family.

Like the missing medicine so many never knew they needed, you'll be astonished you hadn't tried it sooner. 

Gian Jasdeep