The Other Person Is You

One of our longtime students, Mark Fiorentino recently shared with us a beautiful account of what the 1st Sutra of the Aquarian Age, Recognize the Other Person is You, means to him. These sutras left by Yogi Bhajan are words to live by, transcendent and specifically for the time we are living in now. Enjoy this personal account of a journey to Truth. Thank you to Mark for allowing us to share.

Taking the time to understand our connection to others is necessary when contemplating the simple question: Why are we here? The first thing that comes to mind for me is the mantra I Am Thine in Mine Myself. This mantra as well as song was played at yoga event that I attended called White Tantric in April of 2018. It wasn’t until the other day that I remembered the track and it’s meaning after waking up from a dream. My experience has in many ways confirmed as well as changed the way I look at the world and relationships in general.

“If we can see the soul in each other and relate to it, that oneness will be forever.” 

-Yogi Bhajan

The concept behind oneness and seeing the infinite in all is an idea that dates back to a time long ago. Going about life day to day it can be easy to judge the other or decide on what one thinks to be true about an individual. It can be pretty difficult to narrow it down to a single concept for finding out what it is that influences our opinions and decision-making. 

I’ll say that what doesn’t contribute to this notion is that I exist separately and so does the other. At the end of the day, we are no different. All distinct manifestations of the infinite. All a group of souls on a single planet, each the same but different.

The other week, tears suddenly began to stream down my face following what was the third or fourth listen to this mantra. There I am, in the car with my Mom after getting back from the Chronic Lyme clinic. After a couple times of asking why I was upset, I turned to her and simply said the word “Oneness.” Though she didn’t really know what that was, I was able to communicate that I suddenly, for a moment there, felt like I was able to see through everyone’s eyes.

Upon reflection, I have come to find that no matter what happens in this life, we are all simply the same, but different. To see oneself in another sounds easy but is often times the foundation for enlightenment. 

Seeing yourself this way emphasizes the “Golden Rule” which is, “Treat others the way you would like to be treated”. This notion can be found within different belief systems as follows:

Ancient Indian Sanskrit

“By making dharma (right conduct) your main focus, treat others as you treat yourself.”

— Mahābhārata 167:9


“That which you seek for yourself, seek for mankind”.

-Quaran 10:99


“You shall not take vengeance or bear a grudge against your kinsfolk. Love your neighbor as yourself”.

— Leviticus 19:18


“Precious like jewels are the mind of all. To hurt them is not good. Hurt not thou anyone’s heart”.

-Guru Granth Sahib


“The law is this; Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself”.

-Galatians 5:14

Jesus Christ often made it know that we are all brothers and sisters who should love one another. By loving that person we may come to see the link between all. 

Buddhist Philosophy teaches that the promise of spiritual life is realizing the importance of love and the understanding of the essential interconnectedness of all life. The Dalai Lama of Tibet often says that no matter how many new faces he sees each day, he never feels he is meeting anyone for the first time. Every single one of us is on an infinite journey that began aions ago. Remembering the possibility that we have had so many births helps one see the probability that our paths have crossed time and time again. By being wondrously connected to the other, we can know that we have been brother, sisters, mothers, fathers, and mates. At the heart of this belief, each person we meet has been a close, caring family member and should be treated with the respect and love such a relationship deserves. 

Understanding this love often comes with the awareness of our connection with Source, where the root of our existence lies.

I’ve studied numerous belief systems, psychologies, and philosophies over the years. It seems to me that the majority ultimately believes that true spiritual attainment is union with God. No matter what one’s conception of God may be, most us know that by scientific law, infinity is the closest idea we can conceive of as it relates to the universe and everything within it. If one realizes that the experience of infinity, within and without, is only possible with Love (particularly in its purest form, which is often Light), and that Love is most possible with union, then Oneness, especially when relating to the soul in the other, might be an answer to why we are here.

It is my desire for this essay to shed light on what is. Sitting here today, I am starting to see and feel that countless others are waking up to what, not just for themselves, but for all is true. I will say that at this point in my life, this Truth is My Identity. (Sat Nam).

Love and light,

Mark Fiorentino

P.S. It is possible that some may feel differently or don’t quite understand what I’m trying to truly convey. If this is the case, I hope the following six characters said by Yogi Bhajan will be of service:

Karampal Kaur