Kundalini Bhakti Meditation (Adi Shakti for the Divine Mother)

This devotional mantra invokes the primal creative power of the Divine Mother.

“It will help you to be free of the insecurities which block freedom of action. By meditating on this mantra, one can obtain a deeper understanding of the constant interplay between the manifest and the unmanifest qualities of the cosmos and consciousness."
(source: 3HO)

Sit in a comfortable Easy Pose and chant the mantra out loud for as long as desired.

Adi Shakti Adi Shakti Adi Shakti, Namo Namo

Sarab Shakti Sarab Shakti Sarab Shakti, Namo Namo

Pritham Bhagvati Pritham Bhagvati Pritham Bhagvati, Namo Namo

Kundalini Mata Shakti Mata Shakti, Namo Namo

*There are many recordings of this mantra that you can chant along with.


I bow to the Primal Power.

I bow to the all Encompassing Power and Energy. I bow to that through which God creates.

I bow to the creative power of the kundalini, the Divine Mother Power.

Gian Jasdeep