Ten Body Talk: AURA

No matter the mind games, a vibe check always tells the truth. Subtle yet noticeable information is constantly being communicated and sensed through our presence. Yogically, we call this energy field the aura. Known anatomically as the electromagnetic field, it’s formed by the dense circuitry of our nervous system and carries the vital data contained in our neurological impulses.

With an intricate connection to the brain, it’s natural for the magnetic field to communicate the activity of the mind. In a basic sense, the aura is responsible for relaying our physical/mental/emotional state to others. In a more sophisticated way, it is where we perceive the character, hidden agendas and true intentions of others. When the mind creates the material, it is because the aura has channeled and projected the psyche onto the environment. In the science of magnetics, it’s known as the invisible circumvent force that is always attracting and repelling.

The number 7 in the month of July pulls focus to the aura – the seventh of our ten bodies. When the aura is strong, it functions as both shield and stage. Contained in the essence of your own divinity, no negativity or illness can penetrate the mind or body. And in the realm of personal protection, we’re emboldened with confidence and self-security needed to project our authentic selves into space. In contrast, a weakened aura imbues us with feelings of doubt, insecurity, indecision, vengefulness. 

The polar charge of the aura poses an essential question – better to be right or to be happy? To move into confidence and happiness requires the virtue of forgiveness. Forgiving ourselves, forgiving others, and forgiving circumstances gives the universe a permission slip to be as it is. It is not to be passive in the face of injustice, but to act with intention that rises above our reptilian bitterness. When we forgive, we embody the divine within (God as ‘Nirvair’ - “revengeless”).

A big and soft aura is a blessing to be around – it holds a container of love, giving our imperfect selves the green light to be just as we are. For before we can change, we must accept where we are. 

Tips to work with the Aura: 

  • Strengthen the pranic body at the navel point – this infuses the magnetic field with life force energy (prana) and expands the aura like blowing up a balloon

  • Dress in white or undyed clothing made of natural fibers – in its pure form, the aura is a sum of all the wavelengths of visible light projected from the 7 chakras, giving it a bright white projection. Natural fibers conduct the natural flow of the body’s energy without disruptions or distortions of synthetic materials (this enhances the authenticity of your projection so you can perceive an accurate reflection of yourself in others)

  • Chant long-vowel mantras (e.g. “Maaa” or “Ong”) – these sounds quiet the chatter of the parietal lobes of the brain while smoothing out energetic irregularities in the space surrounding the body 

“You are always known by your projected personality. Everyone wants his real personality to be hidden. But your aura always represents your real personality.” - Yogi Bhajan

Gian Jasdeep